2023年10月24日—WonderFlowerstransformstagesintoextravagantplaygroundsofinfinitepossibilities,whiletheFlowerKingdomisalusciousnewlocalethat ...,2023年10月22日—Unlikely.There'sonlyonedirectsequeltoabig3DMariogame(Galaxy2),andtheteamdidn'tevenreally...。參考影片的文章的如下:


After Wonder, It's Time For Super Mario Odyssey 2

2023年10月24日 — Wonder Flowers transform stages into extravagant playgrounds of infinite possibilities, while the Flower Kingdom is a luscious new locale that ...

Do you think Nintendo will ever make Super Mario Odyssey 2

2023年10月22日 — Unlikely. There's only one direct sequel to a big 3D Mario game (Galaxy 2), and the team didn't even really want to make that one.

New Mario Games Prove We Don't Need Super ...

2024年3月24日 — With so many great Mario games currently available, the world can wait for Super Mario Odyssey 2. Now is the time to explore other stories in ...

Super Mario Odyssey 2 | Fantendo

Located within ShimmerRock Kingdom and run by the mayor of the Guinie Town, this mode revolves around the characters as they fight against various sets of ...

Super Mario Odyssey 2

5 天前 — Based on what we know so far, it's likely that if Super Mario Odyssey 2 does come out, it will come out sometime in 2023 or 2024, or perhaps ...

Super Mario Odyssey 2: The Power of Two | Fantendo

Super Mario Odyssey 2: The Power of Two is the sequel to Super Mario Odyssey, it includes Mario teaming up with Max from Max & Ruby to save Princess Peach ...

Two Game Bundle

Super Mario Maker 2 + Super Mario Odyssey - Two Game Bundle - Nintendo Switch (European Version). 4.5 4.5 顆星,最高5 顆 ...


2023年10月24日—WonderFlowerstransformstagesintoextravagantplaygroundsofinfinitepossibilities,whiletheFlowerKingdomisalusciousnewlocalethat ...,2023年10月22日—Unlikely.There'sonlyonedirectsequeltoabig3DMariogame(Galaxy2),andtheteamdidn'tevenreallywanttomakethatone.,2024年3月24日—WithsomanygreatMariogamescurrentlyavailable,theworldcanwaitforSuperMarioOdyssey2.Nowisthetimetoexploreotherstoriesin ...